Monday, September 10, 2007


The plot's simple. Save the sun; save the world. All the actors are beyond brilliant in this film. Lotta twists lotta turns. Tension is the key element. I'd tell more but that would be spoiling the plot beyond what I'm about to do now. This is your time to turn away.

Every movie has its good an it's bad. While this movie is really, really good. It's the bad that just jumps out at you. But hey, this movie is so good, I would say all is forgiven. But there's this one thing. Semi-SPOILER (without giving away to much): So, there's a major plot twist. The ship alerts a certain crew member to the presence of an unidentified person on the ship. Now I'm all for forgiving people when they do doing stupid things. That's why I feel it is so unforgivable when this certain crew member, instead of gathering the known crew to investigate, or even alerting them, this lone crew member investigates, all by himself. Hey, the body count's rising, but - he's curious. Let's forgive him. Okay. Said crew member locates this unidentified person. The person appears to be basking the excruciatingly bright sun. Well, we can forgive him if he doesn't approach. That's right, go warn everybody you found this guy. Wait... damn! We can forgive the approach can't we. I mean, they're low on oxygen, he's not thinking straight. Alright fine. Person starts talking about god, and being the last man alive when the world comes to an end. Dude? What the %^@#? Why are you still approaching this guy? Crew member places hand on person's shoulder, and asks him his name. HOLY FREAKING GOD!
* End of semi-spoiler *

This movie is pretty much driven by the human element. They make mistakes. Human mistakes. The one described above is just a little too, human. Hell, it's down right innocent. But given the actions that have transpired thus far in the movie. Simply put: That was just dumb! And this guy's supposed to be one of the brighter ones.

Everything before and after, forgivable. This piece was nothing more than attempt to force tension and drama. It took no account for anything accept the situation itself. It's like a moment someone wrote down on paper before the script was finished. Someone thought, "hey that's good 8)," and proceeded to put it into the film at a spot they thought it would fit.

I loved this movie. I really did. But I can't get over how the director could do so good, and then shoot himself in the foot in the name of tension.


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